183 research outputs found

    Returns to Education between the Self-employed and Employed Sectors: Evidence from Malaysia

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    Investment in human capital in terms of returns to education is considered a crucial factor that contributes to the remarkable economic growth especially in the rapidly developing countries. Since poverty and education are closely related, this paper attempts to examine whether returns to education differ between the self-employed and employed sectors in the rural Malay area in Rantau, Malaysia. Using the adjusted Mincerian Earnings function and the dummy variables approach, the empirical finding shows that returns to education do not differ between the self-employed and employed sectors in the rural Malay society. Thus, it can be deduced that there is no significant difference between the self-employed and employed sectors in those two sectors. Interestingly, it also reveals that private rates of return (ROR) increase by the level of schooling and they are the highest at the Secondary level. Finally, appropriate strategies are further suggested to alleviate poverty in the case study area.

    Analisis Reaksi Pasar Modal Setelah Pengumuman Initial Public Offering (Ipo) Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    Stock exchange is a means to acquire capital and accumulate funds, therefore it is important in improving the public's participation in generating fund so as to support the national development. The meaning of IPO is when the company issues its stocks for the first time in the stock exchange. Therefore an IPO will result in a number of reactions from the capital market, and one of such reactions is return. Purpose of this research was to investigate whether the performance of stock exchanges in Indonesia is decreasing in the long run and whether there exists a difference between short term stock performance and long term stock performance and also the performance of the securities bought in first day's closing price. The survey method was used in this research. The research belong to deductive-quantitative by tested stock performance in short term and long term period of IPO up to one year. The abnormal return was calculated based on the total stock return, total market value, market adjusted model and relative wealth. The sample was constructed using purposive sampling technique from a population of 43 companies which conducted their IPO in the period from January 2002 up to December 2002 in Jakarta Stock Exchange. The statistic method used here was normality test, in which Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit test was first applied and then followed by difference test using one sample t-test and Wilcoxon matched-pair signed rank test. The result of this study showed that for the short term, the first day of trading resulted in positive mean of abnormal return, which turned into negative in the long period. This means that in the short term, the result is outperforming and in the long term the result is underperforming. For the stocks acquired with initial price, the short term and long term performance did not indicate any difference. However, for the stocks acquired with the first day's closing price, the short term and long term performance for a period of one month was found to be different from the performance of one year. This shows that the significant difference occurred only for the fist day of trading

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen (Pembeli) di Pasar Kota Malang

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    S Kualitas pelayanan (service quality) merupakan suatu strategi yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan dan keberhasilan organisasi bisnis. Konsep kualitas sering dianggap sebagai ukuran relatif kebaikan suatu produk atau jasa yang terdiri dari atas kualitas desain dan kualitas kesesuaian. Konsep kualitas pelayanan terdiri dari lima variabel yaitu: Variabel Bukti Langsung, Variabel Kehandalan, Variabel Daya Tanggap, Variabel Jaminan, Variabel Emphati yang berasal dari variabel kualitas pelayanan pedagang pasar (X) dan kualitas pelayanan Dinas Pasar (V). Konsep kepuasan terdiri satu variabel Kepuasan konsumen/pembeli (Y).Dengan menggunakan metode Proporsional Sampling, ditetapkan jumlah responden 190 orang, yang diproporsikan untuk masing-masing pasar yang diteliti sebagai berikut: pasar kelas utama sebanyak 34 orang, pasar kelas I sebanyak 126 orang, pasar kelas II sebanyak 18 orang dan pasar kelas III sebanyak 12 orang. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisa faktor (untuk mereduksi komponen-komponen penelitian), analisis regresi linier berganda (untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat melalui pendekatan langsung) dan analisis jalur/path (untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat melalui pendekatan tidak langsung). Variabel penelitian difokuskan pada: variabel bukti langsung/Tangibles (X1 dan V1), kehandalan/Reliability (X2 dan V2), daya tanggap/responsiveness (X3 dan V3), jaminan/assurance (X4 dan V4), empati/emphaty (X5 dan V5) sebagai variabel bebas dan kepuasan pembeli (Y) sebagai variabel terikat. Berdasarkan koefisien determinasi dan koefisien korelasi regresi berganda variabel pedagang pasar dan dinas pasar membuktikan bahwa semua variabel independen yang diajukan merupakan variabel yang dipertimbangkan oleh pembeli dalam menilai kualitas pelayanan. Sedangkan berdasarkan Uji F dan Uji t dan Uji Path membuktikan bahwa variabel independen yang terdiri dari variabel bukti langsung/Tangibles (X1 dan V1), kehandalan/Reliability (X2 dan V2), daya tanggap/responsiveness (X3 dan V3), jaminan/assurance (X4 dan V4), empati/emphaty (X5 dan V5) secara simultan ataupun parsial mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan konsumen (pembeli) di pasar kota Malang melalui pendekatan langsung ataupun tidak langsung. Koefisien beta terstandarisasi menunjukkan variable kehandalan pedagang pasar dan dinas pasar memiliki pengaruh yang paling kuat terhadap tingkat kepuasan pembeli di pasar kota Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel kualitas pelayanan pedagang pasar dan dinas pasar berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen (pembeli) di Kota Malang. Konsekuensinya, Dinas Pasar Kota Malang harus lebih memperhatikan variabel-variabel tersebut dalam upaya meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Kata kunci: kualitas pelayanan, kepuasan konsumen ABSTRACTS Service quality is a very important strategy for the development and the successful of business organization. The concept of quality is often consider as a relative measure of the goodness of a product or service that is consist of design quality and fit quality.the concept of service quality consist of five variables: tangibles varable, reliability variable, resposiveness variable, assurance variable, emphaty variable that comes from service quality of market merchant (X) and service quality of market district office (V). The concept of satisfaction consist of one variable Consumer/buyer satisfaction (Y). With the method of Proportional Sampling, the respondent is 190 people which divided for each market: main class market 34 people, first class market 126 people, second class market 18 people, and third class market 12 people. The analysis used factor analysis (to reduce experiment component), regresion analysis (to understand the influence of independent variable to dependent variable through direct approach), and path analysis (to understand the influence of independent variable to dependent variable through indirect approach). Research variables was focused into tangibles (X1&V1), reliability (X2&V2), responsiveness (X3&V3), assurance (X4&V4), emphaty (X5&V5) as independent variables, and consumer satisfaction (Y) as dependent variable. The coefficient of determinant and the coefficient of correlation of market merchant and market district office proved that all independent variable as variable that was considered by buyer in judging service quality. F test, T test and Path analysis proved that independent variable that consist of tangibles (X1&V1), reliability (X2&V2), responsiveness (X3&V3), assurance (X4&V4), emphaty (X5&V5) simultaneously or partially influence consumer (buyer) satisfaction in Malang market trough direct and indirect approach. Coefficient Betha on reliability variable for market merchant and market district office proved that variable has the strongest influence to consumer satisfaction in Malang market. The result of the research shows that service quality of market merchant and market district office influence consumer (buyer) satisfaction in Malang. The consequences is that Market Departement of Malang has to pay more attention on those variables on the effort to increase consumers satisfaction. Keywords: service quality, consumer satisfactio

    Power Consumption Modeling and Analysis of Integrated Optical-Wireless Access Network

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    The integration of optical and wireless technologies at access networks are considered as a future solution which provide both high bandwidth and high mobility in an efficient way. GPON is a suitable candidate for optical backhaul due to the combination of higher data rates, greater split ratio and support for triple play services hence it offers maximum flexibility and cost advantages. On the other hand, recent developments of new radio access technologies and introduction of femtocell base stations provide the potential of offering broadband services and applications to everyone and everywhere. However, the power consumption of this network demands a particular attention because access networks are the largest contributor the network related electricity consumption. Therefore, in this paper we evaluate the power consumption of integrated optical-wireless access network which is based on independent ONU-BS architecture. We proposed a power consumption model for such network and the assessment has been done under different simulation scenarios. The constructed model will provide insight of the energy performance of the integrated access network so that in the network design process, focus can be done to the most energy saving strategies

    Analisis Pengaruh Kredibilitas Merek terhadap Sensitivitas Harga Konsumen

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    As products information in the market is not perfect and symmetrical, it causes consumer\u27s uncertainties about the attributes and/or the benefits of a product. In such a condition, it is important that companies provide credible information to consumers. The information should be sincere and companies should be willing and capable in delivering what has been promised. A credible brand will impact perceived quality, perceived risk and information cost. These perceived quality , perceived risk and information cost will in turn impact consumers\u27 expected utility. This will subsequently impact consumer\u27s price sensitivity. The population in this study was adult females who live in Malang and the sample is female adults aged from 17 years old to 45 years old who use one or more of four brands of anti-dandruff shampoo. The number of respondents is 100 people and the sample was taken using non-probability sampling. The sampling collection techniques is quota sampling. The path analysis is applied for empirical testing. The result of this study showed that brand credibility impacts on consumers\u27 price sensitivity. Brand credibility also had indirect impact on consumers\u27 price sensitivity through perceived quality and expected utility . Brand credibility has indirect impact on price sensitivity through information cost and expected utility. The impact of brand credibility on consumers\u27 price sensitivity through perceived risk and expected utility was found to be insignificant. This finding was inconsistent with the finding from the study done by Erdem and Swait (1998). The researcher believe that the difference is caused by the fact that the respondents of present study tend to believe the information around him/her and not care wether the shampoo brand now will exist. This mindset is arguably different from those of diploma students in American university where Erdem and Swait (1998) took their sample The foreign students tend to be more careful in choosing brands

    Analisis Komponen Reverse Mean pada Harga Saham melalui Perspektif Ekonomi Makro di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    Reverse mean reversion and predictability of stock return is probably the most well researched topic in the empirical research of financial economics. Numerous empirical studies have been unable to reject the hypothesis that return unpredictable and that stock price follows a random walk or martingale process. The essence of the mean-reversion hypothesis is that the stocks price contains a temporary component. Thus, the market value of stock deviates from the fundamental value but will revert to its mean. The objective of this study is to test the mean reversion hypothesis in Indonesian capital market, by investigate the size and significance of mean reversion component of stock prices at the Jakarta Stock Exchange, for the period of January 1990 through December 2003, and to investigate the size of the forecast error variance decomposition for real stock prices which is caused by permanent innovation and temporary innovation for a horizon of 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 24 months. By placing appropriate structural restrictions on a vector auto-regressive system estimated for the period of January 1990 through December 2003, it was found that the temporary component in the stock prices at the Jakarta Stock Exchange has significant size. From this, it can be inferred that the pattern of share price movements at the Jakarta Stock Exchange has a temporary component which will gradually disperse or undergo reverse mean. This evidence supports the mean reversion hypothesis that stock price are not pure random walks and predictability of stock return and reject the random walk hypothesis

    Impact of reciever on time on the energy saving performance of the watchful sleep mode in a passive optical network

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    Due to increasing bandwidth demands from users, this evolution towards next generation PON (NG-PON) with higher network capacity and split continues. However, increasing split ratio in NGPON also leads to higher power consumption of the PON network due to 60% of the power is being consumed by the optical network units (ONUs). For energy conservation of the ONU, the Watchful Sleep Mode (WSM) has been recently added to the PON standards. This is an integrated mode that combines both the cyclic sleep and doze mode in one operation by periodically turning on the ONU receiver (RX) during the sleep cycle. However, still, the impact of RX on time on the energy saving performance of WSM has not been studied. Therefore, this study presents a performance evaluation of the watchful sleep mode in a 10 GB-capable PON (XG-PON) network with varying RX ON times. The investigation is performed with a dynamic bandwidth assignment scheme and real traffic data from Broadcom CATV head end. A comprehensive review of the power saving techniques for XGPON is also presented. The simulation study results show that higher RX ON time leads to higher energy savings for the ONUs without significantly increasing upstream and downstream delays

    Channel monitored channel duplexer for optimization of bidirectional passive optical network

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    Method of optimizing the optical network transmission in access network has been investigated in many years. Unidirectional optical transmission system is the earliest method of delivering the information. In recent years, bidirectional optical transmission system is the most popular network and shall be the first right of refusal to deploy nowadays. It is justify enough by the massive deployment of the popular state-of-the-art network named Passive Optical Network (PON) in Fiber To The Home (FTTH) technologies. Combining 3 wavelengths includes (1) 1310nm, (2) 1490nm, and (3) 1550nm within a fiber is the method used on Gigabit Capable Passive Optical Network (GPON) or Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network (GEPON/EPON). Combining 2 different wavelengths for uplink and downlink on Small Form Pluggable (SFP) lasers also has been a method used to optimized and saved the fiber infrastructure. Compared those techniques, the research optimization focusing on introducing a passive optical duplexer that combined the same wavelength from both end with the element of monitoring via different wavelength to confirm the network availability. In the design, a unidirectional converter able to operate at a nominal 1310nm or 1550nm windows shall be demonstrated up to 10Gbps Ethernet signal

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir, Insentif, Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dengan Komitmen sebagai Variabel Intervening pada PT. Peputra Maha Jaya Pekanbaru

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    The research was conducted at PT. Peputra Maha Jaya housed in JL.Ahmad Yani / Alamuddinsyah NO. 43 Pekanbaru. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect caused by the variable developing a career, incentives, Work Environment and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction of employees through commitment .Populasi of this study were all employees of PT. Peputra Maha Jaya with 133 respondents were selected using a sampling saturated. This data retrieval by giving questionnaires to respondents. In terms of data analysis, research using qualitative methods and quantitative methods using SPSS 21.0.Hasil this study indicate career development, incentives, work environment and work motivation having an significant positive toward direct commitment, commitment to career development and significant positive effect on job satisfaction , Incentives, work environment, work motivation is not significant positive effect on job satisfaction. Career development, incentives and motivation of environmental work has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction indirectly through commitment

    Transcatheter Closure of Post-operative Residual Ventricular Septal Defect Using a Patent Ductus Arteriosus Closure Device in an Adult: a Case Report

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    Transcatheter closure of perimembranous and muscular ventricular septal defect (VSD) has been performed widely and it has more advantages compare to surgery. However, transcatheter closure of residual VSD post operation of complex congenital heart disease is still challenging because of the complexity of anatomy and concern about device stability, so the operator should meticulously choose the most appropriate technique and device. We would like to report a case of transcatheter closure of residual VSD post Rastelli operation in a patient with double outlet right ventricle (DORV), sub-aortic VSD, severe infundibulum pulmonary stenosis (PS) and single coronary artery. The patient had undergone operations for four times, but he still had intractable heart failure that did not response to medications. On the first attempt. we closed theVSD using a VSD occluder, unfortunately the device embolized into the descending aorta, but fortunately we was able to snare it out. Then we decided to close the VSD using a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA occluder). On transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and angiography evaluation, the device position was stable. Post transcatheter VSD closure, the patient clinical condition improved significantly and he could finally be discharged after a long post-surgery hospitalization. Based on this experience we concluded that the transcatheter closure of residual VSD in complex CHD using PDA occluder could be an effective alternative treatment. Key words: residual VSD, PDA occluder, transcatheter closure, heart failure, Rastelli